
tea with ice and all things nice


 ohh i'm simply in love with my new felt hat! such an awesome colour and perfect for girls like me whose hair style repertoire consists of; bun, hair down and straightened (sometimes i don't even bloody get that right!) 

note the sweet sweet leather strap + buckle feature

and on a completely unrelated (except for the fact i happened to be drinking it whilst wearing said hat) . . this is the best iced tea that ever happened to me; Teza - Peach and Passionflower

if you haven't tried it, get out that door and go get yourself a little sip of heaven - exponentially good

the downside to my wondrous hat . . unwondrous hat hair

pimpin' . . oh boy

1 comment:

  1. Only just discovered your blog! Love the hat, very fah-shion dahling xo
